what a week

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Me and Jesse
Me and Jesse
Jesse and Kaitlyn
Jesse and Kaitlyn
Shiny thinking "this is my destiny!"
Shiny thinking “this is my destiny!”
Jesse and Kaitlyn riding their horses.
Jesse and Kaitlyn riding their horses.
Houston at his football game today.
Houston at his football game today.
Andrade getting ready to head out on the trail.
Andrade getting ready to head out on the trail.

The week has gotten better, and better. My friend Andrade went to shoe some reining horses with me Thursday. We finished early enough to enjoy some riding time. Friday rolled around and I found myself on the trail again on riding my Shining Sparks horse. My son came home from medical school for the first time in eight weeks and his girlfriend Kaitlyn came also. We enjoyed a football game where Houston had a great game, and scored a couple of touchdowns. Then we saddled up, and rode. I introduced my gelding to some cows, I think he was thinking “hey this is my future.”

We have a guest speaker at True Grit Cowboy Church tomorrow. His name is Rodney Hammerstrom. My understanding is, he was a young man growing up in South Dakota, had a horse accident and was paralyzed. Rodney was told he’d never walk again,but guess what he’s back riding and roping. He’s spreading the word for the man who healed him. I hope you’ll come check him out. Service starts at 10am at 1912 Hwy 110 Ardmore,Tn.

Well, I guess that’s it for now. I think it’s been a great week, and I’m the kind of person who thinks things can get better. I met a guy from Trinidad when I was young and I asked how it was going. The man said ” it doesn’t go by itself, we must carry it.” That is true, so let’s grab ahold!!!!

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