country comes to town

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WEll, I held out as long as I could on technology, but here I am with a blog on the web. It’s kind of exciting really. I’ve had a lot of my horseshoeing customers ask me over the years about training tips, hoofcare questions, or whatever. I’ve always tried to help, if I knew the answer. In this age of information, we can all share, and everyone can benefit, it can be great. The biggest reason for starting this is accountability. Iimage train in the afternoons, after shoeing horses all day long and I keep a journal of my rides. But no one sees my journal, although it helps me keep sharp. Now this blog can do the same, and maybe help someone along the way. Proverbs 27:17 as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

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Doing what I love



My Wife

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Natasha and Me

Services Offered

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barryWe don’t call our brand of horsemanship, natural horsemanship; instead, we call it performance horsemanship. If you’re riding at any level, it’s performance. It means little, or no resistance on the rider, getting the desired result with a suttle cue. We give intermediate horsemanship lessons to a limited number, and we take a limited number of horses to train. Also, we sell a horse from time to time.

About The Ranch

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I get a lot of questions about the name of this place, and I make jokes that I regret this, or that. The truth is that I have a 13 year old border collie that has been my loyal ranch foreman. I named him after Monsoir Paul Regret from a John Wayne film, the Comancheros. The ranch is just on the edge of the Tennessee hills, and it’s really a dream come true for us. It is positive proof of  God’s blessings, that hard work pays off, and dreams can come true.

Barry Faulk

About the Faulk Performance Horses

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defaultMy name is Barry Faulk, and I’ve had an obsession with horses for as long as I can remember. My heroes have always been cowboys, and that’s all I ever wanted to be. I was breaking and training horses as a young man, then working for my uncle, a farrier by profession, learning how to shoe because I couldn’t afford the twenty dollars to get mine shod. I later started getting serious about farrier work, going to clinics all over the Southeast. Now, I’ve been a farrier for 25 years.

I thought my horses were great-and they were-but about 10 years ago, I rode a reining horse, and my goodness! I knew that I was lacking. I’d been roping, sorting, team-penning, but I couldn’t believe the softness, and precision of these horses. My son, and I went right to work, trying to learn this in an area, where there are very few Reiners. We’ve had a lot of fun learning, and we continue to learn, and now have resources we had not had before.

My son Jesse, had been a very avid horseman since he could walk. He became a very 393097_10151197803812951_947517437_nproficient trainer and is now in medical school, and we’re very proud of him. My daughter Kara, was riding in the saddle with me before she could walk, she is now an editor, and writer in New York, and her dreams have taken her farther than I can dream. My daughter Anna, was the loudest rider. She was fearless as a child, and she must still be because she’ll soon graduate to be a school teacher. Houston is the youngest at age 10. He has won high point 10 and under at the shows, and were having a lot of fun watching him become a young man. My wife, Natasha is my partner on the ranch. She comes from a horseshow family, and she grew up with great trainers, and great horses. She’s led the nation in trail class in the Appaloosa Association. She’s a great asset; as I train she knows what looks good and what doesn’t, and she certainly isn’t shy about letting me know.
At Faulk Performance Horses we’re committed to growth, and developing horses. We look forward to the future here, and strive to further our passion with these horses.

–Barry Faulk