
Chasing Dreams

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Well, I told my wife that I would lay Shiney off for a couple of weeks and catch Chip up. I must have unconsciously lied. I shod them both yesterday. I put slide plates on Shiney because he’s ready to learn to get in the ground. It’s pretty exciting when they start craving the ground,and I think this rascal is going to tear that ground apart!!!!! So I spent another week on him.

I’m sorry I don’t have any photos today, but I’ve been riding Shiney like I stole him. Every afternoon I’ve been working toward a goal, 2 man ranch sorting Friday night. It may not be fair to ask him to perform at a high level, in fact, I’m sure that it’s not. I will only ask him for what he’s been taught, maybe barely more. You see, chasing cows are like chasing dreams to me. That’s always been my favorite thing on a horse. When my son came along, I raised my own teammate, and we chased dreams together. Jesse’s in medschool now chasing another dream, and I have a couple of other teammates, my wife Natasha and Houston. Tomorrow will be a first for Shiney and Houston. Natasha knows about cattle, she’s been putting up with my bull for years!

We work these horses for many hours to get them prepared for a 2 minute run. It’s time to check our preparation, see where we’re at, come home and work on weaknesses. I hope my next post has a photo of Shiney cutting the cats from the kittens, if not that’s ok it’ll be back to the old drawing board.

Chase your dream, don’t let it get away!!!!!